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How to travel safely on solo trips.

Writer: goldenaimeegoldenaimee

Updated: Jul 14, 2023

I LOVE solo trips! They are quiet, calm and really relaxing. You don't need to worry about anyone's schedule but your own!

Most photos are taken with my self timer!

But you definitely need to be careful and more alert of your surroundings. I have taken dozens of solo trips and not once have I felt super unsafe. But, that doesn't mean something can't happen. I've gone to Florida, Utah and California all alone. Sometimes I meet people at my destination and other times it's a solo trip the whole time.

First thing you should do is make sure someone knows where you are (like a good friend or family member) and what hotel you're staying at. Always carry protection like pepper spray or a loud noise. I even take mine into gas station restrooms on road trips.

When you're in the area you are visiting, don't ever give away your specific location. I don't ever post in real time on social media because I have had people come find me (at theme parks) better to be safe and post after you leave an area.

A solo hotel stay in Anaheim.

Never say out loud that you're alone or where you are staying. If someone asks, say "I'm staying with a friend/family member" OR say the name of a popular hotel like Marriott, Best Western, Holiday Inn or even an Air Bnb works. There are usually multiple types of those hotels so even if someone were to stalk you, they wouldn't know what one. Never say it if you are actually staying there though.

If someone asks if you are visiting for the first time, say "No, I'm here all the time/I used to live here". You don't want someone to know that you might not know the area.

If someone says "Are you staying at this hotel?" Reply with "No, I'm waiting for my friends". And if they wait around pretend to answer the phone and act like you are having a conversation with said friends.

Always get two room keys so the hotel (or if someone is watching) thinks you have someone staying with you. And say "We" when answering any traveling questions.


Some people don't have transportation when they travel alone so Uber and Lyfts are very common. If the conversation comes up with the driver about you being alone always reply with 'we' and that you are meeting someone at your destination.

If someone asks how long you are staying, Say "I'm leaving tonight/in the AM" (depending on what time of day it is).

Basically, never ever let strangers know what you are doing and where you will be (until you have left the area). People can be crazy and it's not worth your safety! Like I said, I've never felt unsafe during any of my solo trips. If I felt uneasy about an area, I simply leave. You can never be too careful!

For more travel tips, check out my Instagram highlights! I also have a blog on for doing theme parks solo.

-xoxo, Aimee



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