Well, it finally happened. WE LEFT UTAH...again haha. (More to our moving story in the Rob and Aimee Blog). If you've been around for a while you know we move a lot and we're not fans of Utah. We always play around with the idea of moving out of state but it's not easy, even if you've done it multiple times lol.

A lot of you asked, "Why Arizona"? We have no family here, have only been a few times so seems weird to move to a state with unfamiliarity. Well...Rob and I don't really do things by the book (refer to the Rob and Aimee blog again) so this really isn't unusual for us. But we chose Arizona for many reasons.
1. Warmth - We HATE cold. I'd rather burn to death than freeze. I've always hated the cold. Plus Utah only gets about 4 months of actual warmth out of the year sooo...no thanks. I need a tan in February.
2. It's more our aesthetic - We LOVE palm trees and desert vibes. It's cute, fun to look at and makes us feel happy. Arizona is very colorful which Utah lacks. Plus I can get my California vibes without paying California prices.


4. Cheaper living - Even cheaper than Utah.
5. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON - We're closer to our favorite place...CALIFORNIA! Yup we're now only 5 1/2 hours from the golden state! Which again, if you've been following me for a while you know this is MY place. AZ is our compromise because we just can't justify CA prices anymore but a quick drive and I'll be on the coast!

Moving out of state is stressful, frustrating and hard but so worth it! And if you're planning on doing so...be patient. Do your research. I spent hours and days just looking for a place to live and exploring the areas all from my laptop. Sometimes you just have to make that leap and go for it.

I'm really excited to see where our new home takes us. I feel good about the things coming. I finally have the tools to create better content and live the life I want. No more seasonal depression and no more silly liquor laws!

Cheers to an exciting, unknown future! Once quarantine is over, be prepared to see all the fun, exciting spots and follow along on my Instagram as we explore our new city!
- xoxo, Aimee