Exactly four months ago I quit my job. I worked full time in a medical billing office with decent pay, full benefits and a great schedule. So why did I quit? I wasn't living my best life and I was extremely miserable. It was very hard to wake up and go to work even though I knew my paychecks would be paying for my lifestyle and travels. My everyday happiness was more important.

I wanted to utilize the time towards something I really wanted to be doing...social media and photography. Everyone and their mom wants to make a living off social media these days so I knew it wasn't going to be easy. But I dedicate a lot of time towards my page and photos and I've really learned to enjoy it!

Now I'm just going to jump right in. You NEED to have a cushion and a good savings. I don't suggest quitting a good job with no money saved up. I know that's a tricky topic but remember you still have bills, rent, groceries, etc to pay for and sad to say one post is not gonna cover even half of rent. I know we all see those huge Instagrammers that probably can make rent off one post but if that was you, you probably wouldn't be reading this blog haha. If quitting your job is something you want to do, just start saving to have that cushion or try to go part time so you have something coming in. You don't want to just jump off the deep end and hope for the best.

Basically I'm going off my following and my creativity on Instagram. That's really my make or break. I'm not saying small accounts can't get work (I'm still a small account in my eyes compared to the millions on Instagram) but obviously we all know companies look for those bigger numbers. So to get a bigger number you need good, quality content. Instagram lately has been very unfair to a lot of people and its very frustrating, trust me but if you enjoy creating content and posting, you will be seen! And don't be afraid to reach out to companies, we all started somewhere!

You will also have dead weeks and months. Meaning you won't get an ounce of paid collabs. July was that month for me. Don't panic though, it's going to happen. This is why you need money in the bank. I would love to comfortably rely on social media to pay my bills but I can't assume that is going to happen. Maybe years from now haha. I suggest taking 'gifted' collabs as well as paid. Think of it this way, you are building a resume. Any company you work for you can add to your social media resume aka media kit. Companies will look at your page and if they see you worked with something similar to what they offer chances are they will want to work with you. Don't ever be scared to tell a company you have set rates for sponsored content. Sometimes they will say no or won't even respond, that's going to happen but don't let it discourage you! You put in the time and work so you deserve to get paid.

I like to focus my page on travel and fashion so I have worked with multiple companies regarding both. Here are two travel collabs I have done. I'm currently working on more as well. Once you open a couple doors, more doors open!

Now I've said this before...don't take it just because it's free. Work with companies you will actually use. I have turned down many paid collabs because I didn't want to sell something I would never use. Always be authentic.

Overall don't settle for something that doesn't make you happy. My husband tells me almost everyday how noticeably happier I am not going to a 9-5 job. If I end up working again I won't think of it as failing. There are billions of people using the same app for the same thing. It's bound to happen that people are going to get overlooked. But for me I LOVE taking photos and being creative. When I see an opportunity for a photo I get so excited. Being creative and talking about travel, fashion, etc brings me so much joy and that's all that matters! Always have fun with it!

Check out my blog on "Influencing: where to begin". I share how to get started and how to work with companies! Don't hesitate to reach out here or my IG @golden_aimeee.
-xoxo, Aimee