Writing is one of my favorite things to do. It makes me feel relaxed and content. I started writing when I was in high school. I wrote articles for the school newspaper. After a semester of that, I learned that writing is something I really enjoy. Once I start, I can't stop!

I started my blog summer 2018. I've always wanted to start a blog but never got around to it. I think social media and events in my life helped me with that push.
So the first thing about starting a blog is a blog name! Be creative, make it personal to you. I struggled with mine a bit because I wanted to make it fun and honest and after picking out a few, I went with "The Salty Gal Blog" and I love it!

The second step is to make sure you have something to write about that will be consistent. I should take my own advice on this because sometimes I tend to lack but I try to get a blog out at least once a week. Some bloggers have a blog listed every day! You just need to find out what your style is most like.

Having ideas for content is also a must. I tend to blog about about my travels, trips and events the most. But I'm working on creating more things that might interest or help my viewers. Sometimes I google "blog topics" to get ideas! You definitely want to make it personal and unique, that's what makes your blog different from others!

Next, find your website. I use WIX.COM for my blog. They offer a free service or you can purchase a domain and get more tools that help people see your blog easier! You can choose from tons of templates and ideas then build your website from there. They let you create and personalize your blog so it's easy to navigate. I keep mine very simple. But you can add whatever you want to yours including links to your social medias, videos, etc...

And lastly, not only do you need reading content, but you need visual content as well. I personally love seeing photos of what someone is talking about. It helps picture the situation better! I like to make my blog half photos half paragraphs, that way the reader can be interested in different things. Especially when you're talking about specific topics in your blog.
For example:

Blogging is a nice escape for me. It's easy and fun and creative! I highly recommend it if you want to start getting your tips, stories and advice out there! Once you get your first couple blogs out, it will start to come naturally! Let me know when you do start yours, I'd love to check it out! Good luck!